Saturday, August 3, 2024

High-flying Saturday with Nasalrod and comrades / Cat Rose photos

Nasalrod. (All Cat Rose photos)

By Andy

I was grinning and thinking to myself: How does the Chairman do it? 

Will the singer's energetic swing-fest -- involving rubber-like arms and legs and bobbing head -- ever end? 

We don't want it to cease, but there comes a time when Nasalrod must conclude its raucous and brilliant gig for the night. Another gathering will soon spring forth for us to witness the stage- and mind-gouging Portland unit that finesses all things punk, rock, jazz and noise into its addictive, staggering wall of sound.

On this stellar evening of July 27 at the Clock-Out Lounge Seattle, Nasalrod led the charge and were joined by Gaytheist and Klesa.

Behold Cat Rose's photos from the ultra-dynamic and theatrical convocation:




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